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The Octave Trick Will Transform Your Music music composition songwriting tips May 20, 2021

There’s always one part of a melody or harmony that bugs me. Enter one of my favorite songwriting tips: The Octave Trick.

If you’re familiar with my free...

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Logic Pro vs GarageBand: Is it Worth the Money? gear & software May 13, 2021

Logic Pro is an industry standard DAW, so it makes sense to consider getting it if you want to write or record music on your computer. But Garageband can do many of the...

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How Star Wars Saved Classical Music music composition May 04, 2021

Star Wars played a big role in fostering my love for classical music. And I'm not alone, I'd even go so far as to say Star Wars saved classical music.

If it wasn’t...

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How to Avoid Burnout When You Love What You Do mental health for musicians productivity Apr 29, 2021

You may have noticed I’ve been gone for a few weeks...well, it was for a completely preventable reason: I burned out.

I love what I do with Just Write Music, I love...

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Why Am I My Own Worst Critic? mental health for musicians Apr 06, 2021

Why am I my own worst critic? A common piece of general knowledge tells us we judge our own music harder than anyone else's. I think there’s some truth to this.


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The Key to Learning Any Instrument musicianship Apr 01, 2021

Have you ever tried to learn an instrument, but wound up giving up? I sure have, but over the years I’ve found out why and how to get around it.

Today, I’m...

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Easy Songwriting Tips for Beginners songwriting tips Mar 25, 2021

It’s never fun when a song isn’t working out, and it can be hard to know what to do in the moment. Today, I’m sharing 5 easy songwriting tips for...

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5 Acoustics Tips for Your Home Studio gear & software Mar 23, 2021

If we can’t trust the sound coming out of our speakers, how are we supposed to have a clear picture of our music?

Having accurate sonic playback in your home studio...

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5 Professional Tips for Freelance Musicians productivity Mar 18, 2021

This week we’re taking our careers to the next level by looking at 5 professional tips for freelance musicians.

Artists and musicians get a bad reputation for being...

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How Do You Make Harmonies Sound Good? music theory songwriting tips Mar 11, 2021

I love a good harmony. It hits me right in the feels, and I bet it does for you. But how do we make harmonies sound good like that? 

In this week’s video,...

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Why Do Musicians Struggle With Mental Illness? mental health for musicians productivity Mar 09, 2021

Chances are an artist whose music you love passed away at an early age. Why is it so many musicians struggle with mental illness?

This is such a common phenomenon that a...

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NotePerformer vs Sibelius Sounds: Is it Worth the Money? gear & software Mar 04, 2021

You may have seen NotePerformer lurking around the virtual instrument world and wondered if it’s worth the price tag.

Short answer: Yes, it is. It sounds pretty...

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