You may have seen NotePerformer lurking around the virtual instrument world and wondered if it’s worth the price tag.
Short answer: Yes, it is. It sounds pretty...
Working on weekends, working all day AND all night, or not working half the days in the week...Does this sound like you? It sounds like me, at least until I made one...
Writing music with alternating time signatures sounds fancy. It’s really not. It’s just taking the regular count and messing with it every other measure.
Is writing music always a good thing? Should it be? It’s not the act we’re concerned with, more the intention, the reasons behind why you write.
Get ready to hear all the feelings, today. For some reason, using a metronome (or click) is controversial...
In my earlier years, I too was resistant to it, but I came...
When I was just starting out writing songs, chords were super mysterious to me. They carry so much emotional weight and create a scaffolding for the melody to play around...
Nothing is perfect. But, that doesn’t mean we can’t be mad about it. Music notation software is complex by nature, so frustration is built in.
This week, as a...
Writer’s block sucks, especially when you want to be writing. But if you’re suffering from chronic writer’s block, there’s something there to...
Do you bass? I bass, but I didn’t always bass. Bass is weird. Ok enough of that…
Bass lines are a strange animal when writing music. They play a...
Are you just starting out as a freelancer? That’s a tough spot to be in.
You’re running a whole business individually for the first time.
That means...
Do your chords sound boring? Are major and minor just not cutting it anymore? I get you, I do.
This week we’re talking chord tones and non-chord tones; and how...
I have depression. It’s a struggle for me, a big one. It’s taken me years to get a handle on it.
If you’re a freelancer of any kind, you know how...